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Water purification using alumina


Water purification using alumina
Unfortunately, natural resources are depleted, and the amount of water suitable for drinking is minimized. Today, it is a world problem number one. And mankind is actively fighting with it.

Due to the high quality requirements of drinking water and the acceptable standards for the concentration of hazardous substances has significantly increased the use of adsorbents with the use of alumina.

Today, the use of tabular alumina in water filters is one of the best methods for purifying water from hazardous and toxic substances. Alumina, as an absorbent material, is softer in its ability to absorb harmful components without disturbing the water structure. Another positive and important characteristic is low price and simplicity in the production of alumina.

The cleaning filter is an alumina based adsorbent, developed for a natural liquid, including drinking water. It is able to retain and adsorb many harmful impurities originally present in the water.

A fluid that does not meet the requirements of GOST must necessarily be processed, as a result of which its physical and chemical composition will improve, purification from harmful microorganisms and pathogenic bacteria will occur.

This process is carried out at water treatment plants using a special facility. To make the water suitable for drinking, it is defended, purified with alumina and filtered.

Water sedimentation takes place in specially equipped reservoirs, then coagulation is carried out. As a result of the addition of coagulants to the water, negatively charged liquid particles meet with positively charged particles of alumina sulfate. In the process of attracting, the substances are collapsed, turning into flakes, which increase in size and gain weight. Sitting at the bottom, they attract to themselves harmful microorganisms and suspended substances. Due to this, the liquid is getting lighter, from it disappears bad smell, rust and unpleasant aftertaste. Suspended substances completely settle for two to four hours. To accelerate the process, add lime or baking soda.

Filtration is the final stage in the process of water purification. For a liquid that has been pre-cleaned with alumina, high-speed filters are used. They are installed in the form of concrete or reinforced concrete tanks. As a result, the water becomes transparent, it reduces the content of microorganisms to 95%, and the number of E. coli is reduced to 99%.

Water filters based on alumina in most cases used to disinfect water in domestic and household systems.